Do you have stool test results but have no idea what they mean? It can certainly be very confusing.
which stool tests are best?
I have been reviewing stool tests regularly for a number of years and have also undertaken practitioner-only training in order to get the most out of the tests.
I only recommend PCR testing - this measures the microbial species by identifying their DNA rather than trying to culture/grow them. The culture method results in a misrepresentation of the microbiota landscape because some species grow well on culture and some do not.
The tests that I recommend are either Genova GI Effects or Diagnostic Solutions GI Map. These two tests report on bacteria, yeasts and parasites along with digestive function.
I also recommend uBiome along with these two because it gives a good overview showing the anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory percentages, which the others don't. uBiome doesn't report on yeasts, parasites or digestive function, so I often combine either GI Effects or GI Map with uBione for a complete picture.
As these tests can be expensive, I usually only recommend testing once and then using symptoms to assess treatment response.
who can benefit from a stool test?
Considering the link between gut health and so many varied diseases and symptoms, most people will benefit from undertaking a stool test. Even people in relatively good health can benefit from getting a sneak peek in to the health of their gut microbiome.
The conditions that most often benefit from stool analysis include:
- Chronic fatigue syndrome or M.E.
- Fibromyalgia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- IBD including Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis
I can interpret stool testing for anyone who has already had the testing done or for new and existing clients. Please note that I cannot order testing if you are not a client of mine.
While I can provide an insight in to what the results mean and offer general suggestions, you will need to take any general suggestions to your existing healthcare practitioner for discussion. Or you can work with me as a client if you need treatment supervision.
Contact me here to enquire about a stool test review.